
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Post by Mayah Bosley
Our first full day here in Japan was jam packed with rain and exploration. One of our means of
exploration, a Suica card, was given to us during our very first class here at the NYC facility
and we quickly put them to use as we made our way to Japan’s National Diet Building for a tour. 

While the large gates all around it seemed a bit foreboding, the Diet building felt almost cozy in
some areas. Despite only being about 80 years old, it felt much older. It was worn, but well kept
in a way that felt comforting. Being able to walk around inside allowed us to take in all the little
details that were included to make the building feel like it represented all of Japan and its people.
As an example, the artwork on the inside of the central tower depicted the four seasons
throughout Japan. There are also four symbols carved into the wood of the press balcony
depicting the four social classes from Japan’s feudal age: Warriors, Artisans, Farmers and

One beautiful part of the Diet building was the row of trees that represent every prefecture in
Japan. Each tree was unique and, in this way, every person in Japan is to feel like they are also
a part of this process of shaping the country. 

The rest of our day had us exploring our nearby neighborhood and the extremely complex and
sophisticated railway system. We were able to experience both a Tokyo Metro line and a JR
line. Our day ended with a wonderful dinner of okonomiyaki, during which many of us tried
our hand at flipping the okonomiyaki.

Day one has concluded and we have now come to realize that this is only the beginning of
a month long journey through culture, identity and trying new things.

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